Dissemination of the CLT model
As the first CLT in continental Europe, Community Land Trust Brussels is actively involved in disseminating the CLT model in Brussels, Belgium and Europe, and is exploring other ways of applying the model to complement the supply of affordable housing.
Upcycling Trust
The aim of this project is to research and test how the CLT model can be used as a means of renovating Europe’s housing stock in a fair and equitable way. By combining renovation with measures that guarantee the permanent accessibility of housing, Community Land Trusts can contribute both to the energy transition and to solving the housing crisis.
Partners: City of Lille, Community Land Trust Brussels, CLT Ghent, Vrij Universiteit Brussel, Habiter 2030, Self Organised Architecture Research CLG, Cork City Council, Lille Métropole Européenne, Métropole de Lille Logement, Rennes Métropole
EU funding: €3,123,919.57
Total budget: €5,206,532.68
Towards more housing cooperatives in Brussels
With the support of Cera, CLTB is studying the possibility of developing a greater number of residents’ cooperatives in our city. Our cooperative action focuses on a study of the obstacles and success factors in Brussels, as well as supporting pilot projects. Together with a network of partners, we are putting solutions in place.
Energy renovation solutions
CLTB is examining an alternative financing mechanism to the regional grants aimed at making energy renovation accessible to homeowners who wish to remain in their homes but are unable to finance the work.
The Erasmus Plus project, which will run for 30 months from November 2023 and be funded by the European Union, aims to promote innovative local learning, inclusion and diversity in all areas of education. It is also helping to build the skills of social workers through five pilot studies on cohabitation initiatives in four EU countries.
Partners: Cooperativa FAI Padova, MDAT, Odisee University, Caracol Association, Cooperativa sociale ATYPICA arl, Consorcio Andaluz de Impulso Social, Community Land Trust Brussels and Associacao Animam Viventem.
A study on Brussels’ commons
Initiated by Brussels Environment and Brussels Economy and Employment, with Ecores, Communa, CLTB and Equal Partners, the aim of this study is to identify the commons in Brussels, their economic, environmental and democratic impact, and what is needed to encourage their development.
Fair Ground Brussels
Fair Ground is a social housing cooperative. Its mission is to create affordable, sustainable housing and activity spaces. Based on the Community Land Trust model, the aim is to take acquired land out of the speculative market, while offering access to affordable spaces on a sustainable basis. The cooperative is supported by 14 partner associations.
European Community Land Trust Network
At the end of the SHICC project, we set up a formal structure with our European partners to promote Community Land Trusts: the European Community Land Trust Network. Its mission? To enable the development of CLTs across Europe and help them maximise their long-term social and environmental impact.
Sustainable Housing for Inclusive and Cohesive Cities (SHICC)
SHICC is a European project run between 2017 and 2022 by the City of Lille and its OFS (OFSML, France), the National CLT Network (England and Wales), the Global Fund for Cities Development (GFCD, France) and the CLTs of London, Brussels and Ghent. SHICC’s aim was to gain recognition for the legitimacy of the CLT model, to put in place financial and legislative environments favourable to the creation of CLTs and to develop a structured CLT movement in Europe.
gE.CO Living Lab
gE.CO Living Lab is an exchange platform for formal groups or informal communities of citizens who run fab-labs, hubs, incubators, co-creation spaces and social centres created in revitalised urban spaces. gE.CO has actively worked to create tools and resources that will help commons initiatives develop their projects.
Feasibility study for a CLT in Leuven
Commissioned by the Autonoom Gemeentebedrijf Stadsontwikkeling Leuven (AGSL) and in collaboration with the city of Leuven, Community Land Trust Brussels and Cosmopolis (VUB) studied the possibility of creating a Community Land Trust to address the problems of accessibility in the housing market in Leuven. The feasibility study led to the creation of a Community Land Trust and the implementation of an initial CLT project.
Our impact
82% of residents say they have felt more fulfilled since moving into a CLTB home.
CLTB measures its impact in order to evaluate its actions and practices, and to highlight the added value of its projects, its community work and its involvement in disseminating the CLT model.
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