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An overview of the latest news from Community Land Trust Brussels

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European Commission visit to exemplary CLT builds momentum for future EU-level support

On Monday, we had the pleasure of welcoming Mario Nava Director-General of DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (EMPL) for the European Commission, during a visit organised by the European Community Land Trust Network.

Can CLTs play a role in climate policy?

The following contribution was published on the blog of the International Center for Community Land Trusts, as a contribution to the upcoming webinar on”Using CLTs to Deliver Energy Renovation and Permanent Affordability to Existing Housing” on 25 September.

Webinar 25/09: Using CLTs to Deliver Energy Renovation and Permanent Affordability to Existing Housing

By linking sustainability in the built environment to the creation of permanently affordable housing, CLTs can simultaneously respond to the housing and climate crisis in ways that ensure justice and equity.

How affordable housing helps tackle social inequality: The Community Land Trust Model

Philea dedicates an article on its blog to the Community Land Trust Brussels.

What if we made land ownership collective?

With house prices rising worldwide, international investors and speculators are turning their eyes to housing as an object of investment. What if we tackled this problem at its root through a fairer ownership system? Globally, in many places, such a system is already being implemented by Community Land Trusts.

Cohousilience: kickoff meeting in Turino

We were guests of the Atypica Cooperative of Turin for the Kick-Off of the Cohousilience in a forward-looking EU funded by the European Union.

A second impact report for Community Land Trust Brussels

Since 2012, we have been constantly looking for the best way to carry out the best possible projects. To evaluate our work and improve the way we work, we need to measure results regularly. That is what we have done in this impact report.

Groupdynamics: creating a link with your neighbours

On November 16 in the multipurpose room at Le Nid, the CLTB team organised a training session on “group dynamic” for residents of completed projects and future residents. The goal of the training session was to start a conversation on how to make living in a CLTB building more inviting and joined as a community, how to get to know neighbors and how to advance in and manage group projects.

The impact of Community Land Trust Brussels mapped: read the report

For the first time since the creation of Community Land Trust Brussels more than 10 years ago, and 5 years after entering the first homes, we are releasing a report on the impact of our work.