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Webinar 25/09: Using CLTs to Deliver Energy Renovation and Permanent Affordability to Existing Housing

By linking sustainability in the built environment to the creation of permanently affordable housing, CLTs can simultaneously respond to the housing and climate crisis in ways that ensure justice and equity.

25 September at 5pm

Facing the twin challenges of producing more affordable housing and addressing climate change, cities across the world are caught between the need for producing more housing while protecting existing open space and decarbonizing the built environment. By linking sustainability in the built environment to the creation of permanently affordable housing, CLTs can simultaneously respond to the housing and climate crisis in ways that ensure justice and equity.

This 75 minute webinar will highlight innovative CLT approaches to deliver just and equitable solutions that respond to these challenges by featuring two exemplary CLT initiatives from Europe and the United States: The Upcycling Trust, a partnership between five European CLTs and local municipal authorities in France; and the Sustained Legacy Project from City of Lakes CLT in the city of Minneapolis, MN. The Upcycling Trust partnership works at delivering sustainable housing renovations while bringing existing housing into community ownership. The Sustained Legacy Project from City of Lakes CLT uses the CLT as a way to assist low-income elderly homeowners facing significant housing rehabilitation challenges while deeding the land to the CLT. Our presenters will provide overviews of their respective projects, while addressing the specific challenges they face and the strategies they employ to overcome these obstacles, providing valuable insights for practitioners and policymakers alike.

After the presentations, there will also be a short Q&A to give you the opportunity to ask questions to our panelists.